DEFINITION: means the use of online and other digital technologies, such as online surveys, text messages and interactive voice response systems for research purposes. 

  • Online recruitment can be quick and relatively cheap.
  • The internet can help to reach hard-to-reach, stigmatized and at-risk populations.
  • Audio-visual features can help to reach participants with poor literacy.
  • Digitally mediated surveys facilitate research of sensitive issues, such as sexual health, by offering privacy during data collection.
  • Digitally mediated data submission encourages honest disclosure, enhancing the internal validity of data collected online.


*  Convenience and cost of online recruitment of study participants: It is feasible, acceptable and relatively cheap to recruit research participants online via search engines such as Yahoo or Google, dating websites or social networking websites such as Facebook. Consent, randomization and data collection can be fully automated online, which is convenient for participants as well as for researchers.

Reaching ‘hard-to-reach’ populations: technology allows researchers to meet people and get data even if they are in a different place. 

*Privacy and validity of data: reporting bias is a challenge in studies of ‘sensitive’ topics such as sexual behavior, drug use or alcohol use. Participants may be more comfortable entering responses to sexual health questions online than being interviewed face to face.

*Sampling: in online research is not possible to randomly sample from the whole population of interest. It can be hard to assess the representatives of online samples and, therefore, the generalization of results.

*Validity of dataAccurate data are vital for research. The potential anonymity of the online environment raises concerns about invalid data owing to, for example, multiple enrollment or deliberate falsification.

*ConfidentialityYoung people frequently share digital devices and so unintentional breaches of confidentiality are a concern for digital research with young people. Researchers should inform study participants of the potential risks to confidentiality and any measures that can be taken to minimize those risks.


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