DEFINITION: a way of collecting data by reviewing existing documents. The documents may be internal to a program or organization (such as records of what components of an asthma management program were implemented in schools) or may be external (such as records of emergency room visits by students served by an asthma management program). Documents may be hard copy or electronic and may include reports, program logs, performance ratings, funding proposals, meeting minutes, newsletters, and marketing materials.
- ensure accuracy in your project data
- check for completeness of documentation
- verify that the documentation meets the requirements of your project
- ensure that the documentation is compliant with standards
• To gather background information. Reviewing
existing documents helps you understand the history,
philosophy, and operation of the program you are
evaluating and the organization in which it operates.
• To determine if implementation of the program
reflects program plans. The review of program
documents may reveal a difference between formal
statements of program purpose and the actual
program implementation. It is important to determine
if such a difference exists and to clarify the program
intent before moving forward with the evaluation.
• When you need information to help you develop
other data collection tools for evaluation.
Reviewing existing documents to better understand
the program and organization you are evaluating
will help you formulate questions for interviews,
questionnaires, or focus groups or develop an
observation guide.
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